It was all a Dream…
Paw central started with a dream to inspire people to treat animals better. We want to make a pawsitive impact on all animal lives everywhere. Many animals around the world are mistreated, neglected, and abused. We want to change the way animals are viewed and treated worldwide. After witnessing firsthand animals in deplorable conditions. We want to put a stop to that and give them the treatment they deserve. Together let’s give a voice to those who don’t have one.
Through hard work, dedication, determination, commitment, and perseverance that dream began to form into reality. Paw Central’s inception was in March of 2017. We began offering services to individuals who’s pets had medical conditions, owners who worked long hours, and people who needed help taking care of their beloved animals. Eventually more people took notice of our passion for animals and the cause we were doing it for. We continued to grow and even gained celebrity and high profile clients. Then condo buildings took notice of the services we offer and they wanted the Pawsome Experience so they asked us to serve as an amenity to residents in the building. We offered more and more luxurious experiences and more spoils for all the animals we care for.

Paw central has pawsitively impacted the lives of thousands of animals since it’s inception. We take great pride in the unconditional love we give all these animals. We hold our incredibly talented team to the highest standards to offer our wonderful clients the peace of mind to trust us with their fur babies. We give so much of ourselves to all the animals and their parents who have shared on this journey with us. We have helped animal rescues find loving homes for animals looking for their furever families. The reward for us is the gratitude to have been given the opportunity and the responsibility to care for these amazing creatures. We are incredibly lucky to be able to nurture the world around us by preserving all the animals living in it. We enjoy helping them achieve their best lives!
For the future we will expand to all of the us and internationally as well. We want to help animals worldwide with our future philanthropic/humanitarian non profit organization and continue to help preserve the planet and all the living beings in it. We would also love to create a line of sustainable environmentally pet products that are pleasing to both pets and their pawrents. Last but not least, we will develop pet resorts in all major travel destinations making it more pawsible than ever before to travel with your pets and offer them an amazing world class vacation experience.
Lisset Rodriguez - Founder & CEO